A self-paced online course to help you take back control of your migraine and start saying yes to your life again.

Hello & Welcome

I know right now you are...

 • Feeling stuck as nothing is helping your migraine and it’s stopping you from living the life you want.

Struggling to ask for what you need and pushing through terrible pain and symptoms.

Unsure of what else you can be doing to manage migraine outside of the prescription from your doctor.

Fed up with not being able to do anything and are constantly having to cancel plans and miss out on life.

I know, because this used to be me.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

Instead, imagine how it would feel to...

Be hopeful about your migraine recovery and have the knowledge and tools to start having better head days.

Be able to communicate your migraine needs with ease and have the people in your life take migraine seriously.

Understand the variety of different options you have to manage migraine effectively at home.

Have the freedom to live your life. Say yes to plans in advance and be able to go without fear of migraine.

 All of this is possible with effective migraine management. And I can’t wait to show you how...

Hi! I'm Amy👋

I'm a passionate migraine advocate who has recovered from chronic migraine. I help people struggling with migraine find relief and have better head days.

In 2015 my life got flipped upside down when I was diagnosed with chronic migraine. I had head pain all day every day and experienced debilitating migraine attacks 20+ days of the month.

My dreams of working in the city as an ambitious graduate were shattered and I had to give up my job. I was forced to spend nearly all my time in bed, unable to exercise, socialise, or do any of the things I loved. I was completely debilitated by migraine and had no idea how to get better.

Fast forward to now - I am in remission from chronic migraine. My life is no longer dictated by migraine and I can work, exercise and socialise again. I’m free to live my life without fear of migraine.

I’m an experienced migraine advocate and have built a supportive online community of over 25 thousand people living with migraine from all around the globe.

My advocacy work has led me to speak on several podcasts such as Heads up for National Migraine Centre and the 20/20 podcast, along with being an interviewer for the Migraine World Summit.

I’ve also been featured in articles by Pharma Times magazine and My Chronic Brain and regularly write for Bezzy Migraine at Healthline. I co-created the #mightywithmigraine campaign which brought hundreds of people living with migraine together to share their stories of resilience and hope.

There is no cure at present for migraine but there are so many ways you can manage migraine effectively and even go into remission and recover like me.

Educating myself has probably been the most powerful thing I have done to help manage my migraine.

I want to teach you everything I know to help you manage your migraine and speed up the process so that you can start experiencing those better head days too.

Are you ready for better head days?

I know you have tried a lot of things to help your migraine and nothing seems to work. You are probably asking yourself, what makes this different?


The Migraine Life Method:

📚 Education
💊 Treatment
🏠 At home management
🗣️ Communication
🧠 Mindset
👭 Support

Migraine is so poorly understood even by most doctors. In this stage, we will separate fact from fiction and you will learn exactly what migraine is as a neurological disease, what happens during a migraine attack, which other headache conditions you should be aware of and how migraine triggers actually work.

Here you will get clarity on what your preventative and acute treatment options are, exploring both medication and drug-free alternatives. Learn how to navigate your medical appointments so that you make the most out of the time you have with your doctor and can access the treatments you want to try.

You will learn exactly how to manage migraine outside of the prescription from your doctor. Here we focus on raising your migraine threshold, nailing the lifestyle basics and building you a migraine toolkit that improves your ability to function.

In this stage, I teach you how to talk about migraine in your life so that you can stop downplaying your migraine and pushing through and instead have the confidence to ask for what you need and have the people in your life take migraine seriously. Learn how to ask for accommodations with ease with; friends, family, relationships, at school and at work.

Mindset is so often an afterthought when it comes to migraine. You will learn exactly why your thoughts and beliefs are so powerful when it comes to managing migraine and how to break free from the dreaded fear pain cycle.

I will teach you the exact tools and techniques I used to recover from chronic migraine so that you too can retrain your brain and transform your pain and symptoms.

You don’t have to figure this out on your own. This is not a prescription and being sent on your way for 6 months. I will be there to support you as you work your way through the course. There is a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and connect with other members who understand what you are going through. Share your struggles, celebrate your wins and lean on us for support during your flares.

My advocacy work has helped hundreds if not thousands of people to better understand migraine and learn how to manage it more effectively.
I created The Migraine Life Method from my 8+ years of knowledge and experience as a patient, advocate, and from working in the migraine space. It’s everything I wish I had known when I was in the depths of chronic migraine. If I had access to this years ago, it would have helped me recover so much faster.
This method focuses on helping you manage migraine where you are currently at, whilst also supporting you on your road to migraine remission.

Here is what you get access to when you join Managing Migraine: Survive to Thrive

• Self-paced online course (6 core modules, 20+ lessons)

• Downloadable trackers & PDFs (migraine medication tracker, migraine diary, symptom tracker, nausea tips)

• Private Facebook Support group

Course Curriculum:

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Migraine 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Navigating medical care & treatment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Managing migraine from home
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Communicating your needs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Managing migraine mentally
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Pain reprocessing therapy
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

We have members from all around the world




10% of all profits will be donated to migraine charities and research 💜🧠



How long is the course?

6 core modules with 20+ lessons.

There is about 7 hours of training in total.

Most students work through the course in about 4-8 weeks but continue in the Facebook group for ongoing support. 

Is it still suitable for me if I have episodic migraine?

Yes! We have students inside with both episodic and chronic migraine.

What if I have a migraine attack and can’t attend?

The course is self-paced and pre-recorded to make it as accessible as possible. You don’t have to show up at set times.

I’m not in the UK, can I still join?

Yes! We have students from all over the world.


Is there any additional support? Where can I ask questions?

Yes! There is a private Facebook group for ongoing personalised support. You can ask me any questions inside the Facebook group and also connect with other students who are doing the course. 


Is there a refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of the course, we do not offer refunds. Please see the terms of use for full details. If you have any questions about your suitability for the course - please send me a DM on Instagram @the_migraine_life or email me at [email protected]

Will the course cure my migraine?

There is no cure at present for migraine but there are so many ways you can manage migraine effectively and even go into remission and recover like me which you will learn about inside the course. 


Who is this program not for?

Anyone looking for a “quick fix” or “cure”. 

What happens after I join?

Once you purchase the course, you will automatically be enrolled on the course on teachable and can start watching the course content.

There is also a link below the welcome video to join the Facebook group.


What changes can I expect to see?

Here are some of the changes my students have seen so far.

  • Reduction in migraine attack days
  • Able to do more things without getting a migraine attack
  • Doing things you have avoided for years (exercise, driving, travel)
  • Finally feeling hopeful after so many years of failed treatments
  • Saying yes to things you want to do in your life
  • Feeling prepared and having great appointments with your doctor


What is the price?

£390 if you are in the UK 🇬🇧

$412 + tax if you are based in the US 🇺🇸

£325+ tax for anywhere else in the world 🌎


Do you have payment plans available?

One-off payment or you can split the payment across 2 months.